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Measuring your bra size
While wearing a bra( not too old and non padded) that fits you well, stand in front of the mirror with a tape measure. You may want to ask a friend to help you measure. Make sure you have removed your shirt.
1: Bust (Cup) measurement
Pull the tape measure around your fullest part of breast. Hold the tape measure so it is firm against your body, but not squeezing you. This measurement is your bust size. If you get an odd number, round up.
2: Band measurement
![Measure Bra Band Size]()
Now measure loosely around the fullest part of your band line.
3: Cup size
Subtract your Bust (Cup) measurement from your band measurement to find your cup size. Match the number to this bra size chart to determine your cup size.
Let's say your bust measurement is 51 inches and your band size is 46 inches. 51-46=5, so using the chart below, you are a DD cup. You will want to shop for size 46DD bras.
1"= A | 5"= DD | 9"= I |
2"= B | 6"= DDD & F | 10"= J |
3"= C | 7"= G | 11"= K/td> |
4"= D | 8"= H | |
One more thing:
If you haven't measured yourself for a year or more, your bra size may have changed. Exercise, aging, pregnancy, and weight gain or loss can affect your bra size. Pick a month and try to remember to measure during that month every year.
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